Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ants Profiler Extend Test Period

on language.

on language.
Language is a prerogative of man, without which there would be such. In fact there is no other living being in a language similar in complexity and level of processing.
The capacity for language evolved in humans following of structural changes in the oral cavity. In particular, the uvula setback has made the human being capable of expressing a diverse range of sound, capable of guaranteeing a non-generic nomazione the world.
Among the many aspects that characterize the language in this post we will look at timbre, volume, and cadence.

The stamp is the result of the manner in which the voice is processed in the abdominal cavity and facial. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow complex the operations that enable the development of language, enough to consider that come into play during phonation the beauty of more than 100 muscles. To better understand the complexity of the stamp imagine its two extremes reported on a straight line. On the one hand we expressiveness dull and flat, empty. On the other hand an immense variety of ups and downs, resonance and modulation. Im half every possible combination of these and other factors.
the speaker must be able to combine multiple items with a maximum inner diversesollecitazioni.
For those who wish to do their job the art of seduction (politicians, entertainers, singers, etc.). Arrichhirlo master the vocal timbre and a thousand shades is the first step.

Depending on the amount of air from the lungs which emit the volume can be high, low or medium. Tend In fact, we are greedy and are inclined to save their breath as if it cost a lot and thus sparing, we spent less. In fact, to speak good, we need all the air we put into the lungs, and that should not be forfeited as a result of inhalation noise, or fatigue. The issue must be adapted to every need of expression in order to make it as communicative as possible. A language spoken with a high volume may be annoying to the listener the same way as spoken with a low volume, so please do not remain imprisoned in the cage of a constant volume. Speaking of laziness, most of us surely you also save on the movement of the lips, limiting this effort to a minimum and keeping the mouth almost stopped. Although this is a bad habit to be missed. So get used to the very lips move - forcing even more than normal - to find them later trained to move in a satisfactory manner. For example, you can try to understand what the announcers say TV RAI, which has certainly taken a course in diction, by removing all audio to the TV. We assure you that by just moving their lips will be very clear of what they announce.

Our ability to issue air from the lungs also affects the frequency, which is the result of our requests for the vocal cords.
Cadence therefore depends not only the frequency of the movements of articulation of phonemes, but also by the breaks that we take between one word and another, between words and sentences, and all the effects with which we can enrich a speech indistinct. Each of us speaks at a speed that staff tends to remain the same and that is influenced by the respiration rate which in turn depends on their willingness and emotional factors. Particular emotional states can speed up or slow down our speech. A particularly good communicator is able to modulate his voice so as to vary its natural frequency.