Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yeast Infections After Hysterectomy

Imbrattamuri: less brushes, most clubs

I read that the 'Association of Mountain of Bologna, which are particularly linked, promoted a commendable initiative in support of the campaign to clean Bologna.
Via Andrea Costa filth has been cleaned by some drifter who believes in them to make epic gesture of protest against the civil society.
The action of the Mountain is, as always, great value civic and moral and is certainly an example for all.
Unfortunately in today's society you are free to express their ignorance and moved those living on the margins of the forum calendar can not include the teaching of the Alpine and, indeed, are further reasons to return to sully the public and private property with their droppings figurative .
Simili esseri evidentemente vivono talmente nella loro sporcizia da non riuscire più a concepire il concetto di "pulito" e di "bello" ma, soprattutto non rispettano il prossimo , continuando ad insudiciare i muri della città.
Diventa quindi doverosa una reazione che non può limitarsi a quella civile dell'uso dei pennelli per pulire le sozzerie altrui, perchè non è giusto che la collettività si carichi e paghi (in tempo e denaro) le colpe di pochi .
Se, però, lo stato non è in grado di neutralizzare gli imbrattamuri , almeno autorizzi, con una autentica "licenza di punire" , the citizens of the People to act on his own and without the worry of quarrels and then having to defend absurd prosecutions.
Probably, in fact, Bologna to keep clean, it takes less brushes, but most clubs .

Log it

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Myammee Angela Pitts Nipples

Searching desperately candidate

While in pci / pds / ds / pd trying to torpedo - just as plush of the two churches, communist and clerical - the strongest candidate that could ever put in place, to Maurizio Cevenini , therefore invisible ai vertici della nomenklatura nonostante l’aspirante sindaco sia il più comunista tra i comunisti (e proprio per questo gradito alla base), il Centro Destra si dibatte nella palude alla ricerca dell’Uomo giusto.
Come noto era stato, in un primo momento, indicato l’ex direttore de Il Resto del Carlino, ora parlamentare PdL, Giancarlo Mazzuca .
Sicuramente persona degna , ma che non riesce a manifestare quel carisma, quella leadership di cui ha bisogno il candidato del Centro Destra per sperare di ribaltare la maggioranza sinistra che soffoca Bologna.
Mazzuca, un po’ irritato dai continui dubbi e rilanci anche all’interno del PdL, ha But waived, re-opening games and, frankly, the names I read this morning in the chronicle of Bologna Carlino not excite me.
The alleged "wild card" of the League is such a Tugnoli , whose name is spoken with reverence the case of an entrepreneur, but I think for the people voter is an emeritus Carneades.
I then read the name of the man who, over the past two years, I think it was all a candidate ( parliament, President Province, the region, Minister of Economic Development ) and now, to complete the "grand slam" of nominations as the best Fregoli, wearing the jacket of a possible candidate for mayor: Galletti the UDC. Finally
the "civic" Corticelli .
a "civic" I think we have already filled the archives and Corticelli as Mazzuca (but also Tugnoli and Galletti), no person seems able to arouse enthusiasm.
If you really have to choose an unknown (at most) because instead of drawing journalists, managers, politicians and even more long-haul applications, do not choose " any one?
A worker, a teacher who has never been in politics, a pensioner, a trader short, "one of us " non uno con un ruolino che lo pone tra la “classe dirigente” di una Bologna da anni in caduta libera e in decadenza .
E se, invece, si punta sul “ nome ” che possa trainare verso il successo, perchè scegliere qualcuno conosciuto solo nei ristretti ed ovattati ambiti accademici, imprenditoriali o degli “addetti ai lavori” della burocrazia ?
Meglio un grosso nome, autenticamente conosciuto a livello nazionale , che si metta a guidare l’arrembaggio e sappia stimolare la fiducia degli elettori del Centro Destra ricompattandoli , dopo la patetica esibizione di Raisi che, ancora dopo glorifying him by the flatulence of his head to Mirabello, wants to stay on as coordinator of the PDL.
All in all, if to win at the Bologna Center Right would agree with finioti, then better to jump around and point to the 2016 elections .
Both the left, Cevenini or anyone else, will make yet another flop and with them, with the political ideology, with the proximity to the red co-ops, Bologna is set to continue in its decline, as long as citizens do not wake up and decide not to vote for a decisive break with the past.
hope it's not too late. Log


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why Give Pregabalin For Me

License punish

Una meritoria iniziativa de Il Resto del Carlino , raccolta dall' Ascom , dalla Carisbo e con l'appoggio del Commissario ( a riprova che per amministrare una città basta solo la saggezza di evitare le ideologie e intervenire sulle concrete questioni di vivibilità della città ) ha consentito nel giro di un paio di mesi, di ripulire i muri del centro cittadino, imbrattati da scritte e schizzi di vernice .
Prima di andare in vacanza a luglio, parcheggiando volutamente a dieci minuti dall'ufficio per potermi godere una camminata tra le strade della mia Bologna, I still saw the central streets marred by the antics of some sozzone.
On my return, in August, was a pleasure to walk through walls and additional clean streets (even if disconnected). Unfortunately the
sozzoni must have returned from their holidays and have begun to deface the walls, in the belief that it is impossible to review every meter.
Theirs is a challenge without risk.
I believe that, if taken, do not make more than two days in jail before being released and, if all goes well, being fined.
If it's bad, that is, if gill a magistrate "progressive" believes that their sozzerie "art" (such as the image) So even those . And we pay
Pagano citizens owners of dirty walls, pay the companies that helped clean up the city, the Bolognese pay twice , because their taxes will be partly used to redo work already done and frustrated by these criminals and these criminals a second time because sullying the city make it less livable.
Then I have a proposal . Date
a "license to punish" the Ronde, for the occasion, should enjoy immunity by their acts to catch and punish those responsible for exemplary.
It 'obvious that you can not always be there, but I think if the punishment was particularly painful and representative, then the rivals they would think twice before smearing the walls , in turn, with their sozzerie. But it is important that
never, under any circumstances, such "Giustizieri of the Night" and be persecuted by law one-way beats the honest and safeguard the real criminals.
Even if, it could happen, it exceeded the punishment.
So what do we do?
Give a license to punish citizens organized or want sozzoni to continue to grant a license to deface the walls ? Log
