Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Arson Fat Burner Español

«Ora basta»

collect the invitation Conchita De Gregorio , director
de L'Unità, to say "Enough" by signing the appeal.

Where are women? We say: 'Enough'

I'm sure, I know with certainty that the majority of Italian women is not in line for the bunga bunga. I am sure that prostitution is a conscious choice, if choice in these conditions you can call it, a small minority. It is therefore to the other, all the other women that I speak. It's time to answer aloud, where are you girls? Mothers, grandmothers, daughters, grandchildren, where you are. Right or left you are, rich or poor, North or South, women, daughters of a time that other women before you have made rich equal opportunities and free, where are you? It's time to say, "Enough."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Financial Risk Management Exam Ireland

Communists persist in error

Despite unedifying experience of Cofferati and Delbono the pci / pds / ds / pd to persevere in error designate, as mayor of Bologna, a subject unrelated to tissue culture, history and the city's social .
And this in the 'year of Porcedda "whose" work "in Bologna football was accomplished primarily because no roots in Bologna.
Not that the other candidates were better: a cattocomunista that has nothing to envy to Rosi Bindi (and says it all) and a homosexual said.
Probably the three, Merola is the "least worst", but it is far from any enough to become mayor of our city. In addition to not being
Bologna, in fact, has another aggravating Merola which should lead to the Bolognese not vote for him: was alderman in the worst came after the war, the "guided" by Cofferati .
E 'an original sin from which he will never cleanse. What is therefore
Merola, apart from the bureaucracy of his own party?
The strangeness in Bologna, in what was to come back and we would like to be and what is certainly still true in the minds of Bologna. Merola
it was voted in "primary" party where he was granted the vote offsite university students who will not vote for the council and should not have titolo, proprio per la loro estraneità alla città, a scegliere consiglio, giunta e sindaco.
Ma a tali “primarie” hanno fatto votare persino gli immigrati che, ancora meno degli italiani di altre zone, possono accampare diritti sulla amministrazione della città.
Insomma un guazzabuglio che, di buono, ha solo il concedere una maggiore opportunità al candidato del Centro Destra, ancora in divenire.
A questo punto, purchè il Centro Destra candidi un bolognese , sarei disposto a votare chiunque , persino un casiniano ma NON un finiota , per sbarrare la strada all’ennesimo sindaco di sinistra e forestiero . I would like to come back
Bologna, Bologna as the football (for which I have today ordered the transfer for registration with the Association of Supporters ), to be of Bologna, the real ones.
I'd like to hear in the municipal council in terms dialect.
I like it to be retrieved Bolognese as a way of life, pleasure-loving, joyful and reserved, without many architectural innovations, many prohibitions in traffic, many urban upheavals and customs.
A city council that requires a pattern Bologna which is also a roof , insuperable, the opening of local foods foreign to our traditions, with nauseating smells whose scents and some areas already plagued no signs written in garbled ( as far as I could be insults all of us) who are both Los Angeles film depressing and pessimistic .
I hope that the Centre Right capitalize on the opportunities granted by the mediocrity of the left and has a high profile bolognese or, alternatively, exploited the first round as a primary authentic having a prior commitment to direct the ballot votes on the candidate best placed.
To return to Bologna and the Bolognese a mayor degno della città di cui conosca la storia e il tessuto sociale, ma di cui sia anche parte per tradizione e nascita.
Bologna ai bolognesi .

Entra ne

Friday, January 21, 2011

Electric Wheelchairs Electrical Schematics

Le mamme blogger al Circolo dei Lettori di Torino

Saturday, January 22 The CIRCLE OF READERS of Turin presents "W THE WEB TO WOMEN! The network as an aid to share the experience of motherhood (and everything else)"
- Patrizia Violi, author of " Gilmore by URL", and Baldini Castoldi Dalai, creator of the blog
- Julie Cirino, author The first book of a mother "Morellini publisher, creator of the site www.unamamma . it
- Lidia Castellani, author of "Mamma without a parachute", publisher Tea
- Francesca Sanzo, creator of the site
- Vera Schiavazzi, journalist

An evening dedicated to women, especially those who find space on the web: the network is for many a valuable aid, an opportunity comparison in some passages of life - like that of motherhood - which are delicate and sometimes problematic. Four entries in comparison to talk about this new "escape" on line and how the design of a blog and / or site can be a voice of relief, a platform for sharing of women of the third millennium.

THE CIRCLE OF READERS, via Bogino 9-10123 Torino. Tel 827 011.4326 - e-mail:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stomach Flu And Sinus

Presentation of the book "The color of the pomegranate," the magistrate Bari Giuseppe Scelsi

Association Liberincipit, Presidium of the Book of Barletta, has the novel "The Color of Pomegranate" (Ed. Besa), Friday, January 21, 2011, to at 19.30 at Palazzo San Domenico, in Barletta . The author 's work is the prosecutor Giuseppe Scelsi, for thirty years leading investigations of the most pressing and important of the Prosecutor of Bari. The chat with Giuseppe Scelsi
will be conducted by Adriana Doronzo, magistrate
Anger and professional experience are interwoven in this narrative from bitter taste, which investigates and gives voice to a private affair, that of the soldier Galimuna Filip, against the backdrop of the fierce and tragic fall of the Albanian regime, which brings with it, like a river, every certainty, and reveals the desperation of men and women without a guide and with no certainty, at the mercy of irrationality and violence.
The sergeant Galimuna, Albanian Army soldier with a passion for the piano, he finds himself alone, without his men in uniform, without his wife, a son killed in the unrest, and becomes easy prey for misconduct, up to when it comes to Italy, host of a musician who understands his genius and helped him study, culminating in the statement internationally. But the old stories are lurking, and Galimuna has the opportunity to avenge the death of his son, but ...
On the thread of emotions and with a fast pace, I chose a modern history tells us, plausible and strong, with a skill and simple ability to surprise and capture the reader until the last word.

The initiative is part of the thematic project of the deans of the 2011 book, titled 'Aliens like us'

Difference Between Deed And Lease

With or without the mayor does not change anything

Dopo un anno dal commissariamento di Bologna i partiti si stanno schierando per individuare i rispettivi candidati a sindaco .
Il pci/pds/ds/pd , il più indiziato per esprimere un candidato vincente, è diviso su tre nominativi del tutto anonimi e di secondo piano (ed è già averli elevati in grado).
Il Center Right is serving the national and uncertainties if the alliance between the League and PDL is solid, without addition of UDC Casini Bolognese no candidate can hope to win the seat that once belonged to Guazzaloca.
But I'll have time to target the candidates, even though my hope is that the center-right uses the first round as a primary candidate with the flag, one armed against each other, but united by a covenant of good faith and strong support who would go on the ballot against the Communist candidate (obviously with the exception of a possible candidate finiota which should never, ever be granted the vote of the Center Right).
One year, therefore, commissioner has anyone noticed the difference?
If anything, the better. A
greater care in the streets, less talk and press releases, the cuts were made to spesesono wisely.
Unfortunately, we have observed in negative continuity with the past, beginning with irritating and unnecessary deprivation of liberty of movement to Thursday during the months from January to March (and October for cars pre euro) and the confirmation of the work for the civis.
The Commissioner was then resolved into an asset for our city , although for obvious reasons of lack of continuity, were not prepared long-term plans and, once again, did not start to answer the problem of trafficking is closely linked with underground, authentic Bolognese chimera. Moreover
administrations also Cofferati Delbono and have not achieved anything and, even, launched large-scale projects.
I almost would not be bad to think of a commissioner for ten years .
Want to see a "dictator " be able to revive the fortunes of a city in constant and unstoppable decline? Log


Wording For New Father

Le donne: un altro modo di governare le aziende

Two interesting events in Milan on the theme of governance of companies in the coming days.

DONNESENZAGUSCIO The association, in collaboration with THE HOUSE OF GLASS cultural center dedicated to women and offers jobs to all the women concerned a meeting on "Women: Another way to govern the business." Writes Luisa

Pogliani, sponsoring meetings and author of "Women unshelled ": "The presence of women in the workplace, including in management positions, substantially changed the reality of business life, dove le donne hanno portato una differente visione del lavoro, del modo di essere manager, dell'azienda stessa e del modo di governarla.
Tuttavia resta una difficoltà che ostacola i cambiamenti necessari indicati dalle donne: rispetto alle strutture di potere, così come oggi si manifestano nelle aziende, molte donne vivono una estraneità che porta a chiamarsene fuori. E' certamente un punto di forza non accettare modalità, concezioni e obiettivi che non ci corrispondono, ma allo stesso tempo molte di noi si pongono il problema di non lasciare che chi ha il potere -gli uomini- continuino a riprodurre l'attuale visione dell'azienda e delle sue regole. Rispetto alle donne e rispetto a tutti.
Si tratta allora di ragionare sulle pratiche possible to affirm a different conception of the Government of companies that comes from women, and today has no place in business contexts. So we want to develop thinking on these issues, including women who live the reality of their importance in the job. "

The meetings will be held:
- February 3, 2011, 18:30, House of Glass, by Sanfelice 3, Milan
- February 10, 2011, 18:30, Chiostro del Piccolo Teatro Grassi, via Rovello 2, Milan, during the staging of the show the company of men

For info: mckoch (at), 2002 29408656

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nipple Pierced Jenna Jameson

I leave to spend a few minutes before beginning to write my thoughts on this album.
I try to empty the mind, the journey is long I'm doing, I need something that tickles my attention. System EQ and I start the album. Silence and steady hands. "Unluck" ends abruptly and I, annoyed by the moment of silence, place your hands on the keyboard.

Track number two on the horizon and is beginning to jag slices of light from the clouds clear.
Only those white clouds surround the hills, there in the distance.
I opened my eyes to the light and pleasantly discover that there is still someone who sings vocals and let the echoes of si rincorrano fra quelle colline che sto percorrendo.

Trovare artisti di questo calibro è difficile al giorno d'oggi.  Ammetto che non conoscevo l'esistenza di questo James Blake . completo, ricercato, a tratti banale, ma grande arrampicatore di specchi.

La voce, a volte spezzata, sembra emulare il suono di una tromba acida nelle sue evoluzioni, mentre i synth vanno inserirsi in un elegante controtempo dalle sonorità mistiche.
Il cantato, come un moderno madrigale, sovrappone diverse tonalità della lirica, degenerando in un downtempo elettronico.

Ma è dalla quarta traccia, "Lindesfarne I" che si inizia a delineare the intent of Blake: hide and seek in a pleasant quiet and empty spaces and reflective lyrics clearly derived from the gospel.
"Lindesfarne II" is the explosion of the previous sequential vacuum.
It 's like the resumption train to run and sometimes in the vicinity of the tunnels, the melody to focus only on the rhythm.

"Give my month" is a ballad for granted. voice and piano accompanying melancholy and simplicity of words. Blake seems to slow down its path Rococo research and sound change.

E 'with' To care (like you) "which takes over the search path with a surprising use of patterns in 16th and cacophonous voice. Words deliberately mangled, stretched Deelay from rhythm & blues.
Lie down in a meadow: Get on your stomach and lower his head to look through the grass in front of you. As you focus on what we understand consists of: small broken twigs, insects, stones, blades of grass. Overall
what you perceive is the green bass line that fills the background in the visual imagery of hearing. Each element of that field is focused in a busy and distinguished as the various sounds that make up the song, introduced one by one, mixed carefully and deliberately shares the same.

"Why do not you call me" is a lament about love. acid and confused as a hangover at a time the misfortunes of the heart.

"The shortest distance between two points is often intolerable," as he said good Bukowsky, Blake, however, says "Limit to love you" by forming a path not taken for granted, full of the pure pleasure of getting lost in the details .

'incapacità The overall move in a straight line construction of the entire album is perhaps the conscious membership of a modern time, so full of information, would combine many (sometimes too many) expressive nuances.
James Blake is illogical at best a generation of travelers, the tortured synth researchers between traditionalists and lovers of music.
posted by Juba Mantellini

February 7, 2011
James Blake - James Blake
R & S Records

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cat Litter In Rabbit Hutch

Max Margheri in photographic tour

Start the photo tour of the fashion photographer named MAX MARGHERI:

Italy EXPO 2011

Max has experience in both fashion in Italy, especially Milan and Florence, and abroad (Chicago and London).

The project will touch all of the boot through his works, with the help of a strong team. The first event will be at Meadow Caffe21, touching in Florence at Colle Bereto.

Later Arezzo, Bologna, Milan and Rome.

Lottery Ticket Favor Scrolls

Less than a month after its submission, the association is already on the road with a debate entitled "empty halls, until when?" The first

meeting theme of "Barletta is done in four" is scheduled at 18 at the knitting mill "Tiger" on a Trani 89-91, Saturday, January 15, 2011.

Discuss one of the problems facing the industrial and economic fabric of Barletta, with serious repercussions on the employment reality of the city. And 'the objective of the first thematic meeting of "Barletta is done in four." The association, less than a month after its launch, is already on the road and chose just a hot topic for his first meeting, entitled "empty halls, until when?", Scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 18. Absolutely concerning the location of the event, very special, an industrial building, demonstrating that the association chaired by Carmen Craca not want to waste time in useless words and turns of sterile sophistry, but aims to reach the heart of the problems, to touch first-hand the cruel reality and the problems faced by the search for effective and immediate solutions. Innovative also the formula of the debate, moderated by journalist Gabriella Ruta, who while making use of the interventions of technical and economic experts, business, urban planning, will be open to all who want to offer their input.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pets Clothes Blogs 2010

A Bologna restored for the new year

So, unless sudden resurgence, Bologna seems to have healed his wounds, with a corporate structure that was built around President " rich but not stupid " Massimo Zanetti, sees the addition of a number of entrepreneurs in Bologna and the figure of Gianni Morandi as honorary chairman. All
assembled by Giovanni Consorte that which I'd like to ask if, after the success of the operation, the Fassino has phoned to ask: then, we have a football team?
In perspective there will be other contributions, minimum, from the fans and the city divided into categories associations. Already here
express some concern for mentality of common objects and Cooperative gimmick.
shares would be from one hundred euro, but even if one to ten thousand euro, "weigh" as who would pay the minimum .
E ' disincentive to those wishing to participate more effectively in the reconstruction of Bologna and does not feel right ( as indeed it is not right ) all levels, but not be weighed on shares.
Spirit also common in designation "imperial" of the contact of supporters which, incidentally, is the Communist Cevenini certainly passionate about Bologna, but also element strictly observing the rules of his party, the regional council for pci / pds / ds / pd and non-candidate for mayor.
short, the popular shareholding does not start auspiciously , also because I imagine that the Communist Party organize confident in its shares and the minimum number that prevail over subscribed to put one of his, as a representative of the fans, the next board of directors. All
the fact remains that the idea of \u200b\u200bshare popular supplements, although with a minimum, the financial efforts of dozens of entrepreneurs, it is still good , involving supporters and groups, giving them representation, even if the value of the shares held should be accommodated in determining the votes in forming associations.
On the technical-sports, expect a few more days to see if it will resolve the controversy open on behalf of Baraldi, choice untimely and perhaps not thought out views that caused the reactions.
The team will suffer a further penalty of two points thus leading to a ranking pericoloso 19 punti , al limite della zona retrocessione e, quindi, i giocatori dovranno impegnarsi e parecchio per rimediare ai danni della presidenza Porcedda.
In questa ottica ieri, contro la Fiorentina, il Bologna ha perso due punti preziosissimi che dovrà ingegnarsi di recuperare possibilmente già domenica prossima, nella sfida diretta con il Bari.
La squadra che abbiamo vista all’opera fino a dicembre può farcela .

Entra ne

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Live Motorway Cameras

90's Music Party

Who does not want to say goodbye to these Christmas holidays, and want to start 2011 in a fun way Lab Art Events PRESENTS: 90's Music Party , so beautiful and good dance music (rock, hip hop, disco, etc. ..) prepared for you by dj Wolimai.

For an evening with friends and fun at the Buccaneers rockpub Barletta, the January 6, 2011 starting at 21:00 until late at night.

Entrance 2 €, for holders of 2011 Card Lab Art Events free entry. Xed at Tessera
possible during the same evening, cost 5 € for a card valid for one year, valid for all events Lab Art Events included many benefits for all artists.

January 6, 2011, from 21.00 at the
pub Buccaneers , Vico Gloria, 3 Barletta

Sunday, January 2, 2011

False Turtleneck Dickies

I want to tell a story that has not happened, but it's happening.
history of music as usual, but to the taste alcohol issues, it seems Moscovskaya, touch dust disks that old. A story that begins with Ticinese last summer and who knows where it will never arrive. For the moment you come to Milan and is often the same story: smiling, take it well, relaxed, a story that knows the taste of greasy pizza joint and smells of the bakery on the fly with friends. It 's a good story, but does not look like that to see the book by Nick Hornby. Nice story, you think, is precisely because times are changing with the music: Shazam, Ping, Beatport, Tracktor are things that Miles Davis would continue to ignore. Story of friendship, of love for all people, for education, for art to communicate. Music heard twelve hours a day, selected, bought, unpacked, heard, understood and consumed. Jazz, funk, techno, blues - non sense - c’è di tutto. C’è pure chi ti propone di indossare le Puma al posto delle tue amate Adidas perché, come in ogni favola, il cattivo non può certo mancare. Già le Adidas.. forse parte davvero tutto da qui (è pur sempre Ticinese), con storie di scarpe che corrono forte e camminano e ballano tanto e che si spaccano e si sporcano come tutti i tuoi dischi, che seppur ben catalogati, cambiano e crescono con te. Ciò che trovo affascinante di questa racconto è che dietro ogni singolo album apprezzato c’è davvero una storia, un pomeriggio per compralo, un minuto per scoprirlo, chiacchere a riguardo che vanno avanti sere intere; il tuo viaggio trascinante a un bel party, in the morning in bed with your girlfriend for lunch but all wrong. Listened to each disc, part of you is part of your time and perhaps you yourself belong to him only for a moment. How many are thirty? I have no idea. In fact it is really only a moment, that does not last long but it is true that it will continue to happen forever.

posted by Ivan Minutes

The Barking Dogs - December 18, 2010 - 30 years of Plastic (Part 1 - Midnight Traffic) by DISCOSAFARI

The Barking Dogs - December 18, 2010 - 30 years of Plastic (Part 2 - Vodka Bellure) by DISCOSAFARI

The Barking Dogs - December 18, 2010 - 30 years of Plastic (Part 3 - Meet Mr. Douglas) by DISCOSAFARI

December 18, 2010
30 years of Plastic
@ Killer Plastic - Milano Viale Umbria 120
[The Barking Dogs djset / mirror room]