Sunday, August 29, 2010

Superpro Dongle Emulator

Colomba vola ... via

bolt from the blue in Bologna.
Before the championship, the first challenge of the improbable with Inter Milan, Bologna coach Franco Colomba and is replaced on the bench tomorrow night, will be the coach of the spring. The
market players did not only not listening to his directions, but also against them, the non-arrival of those two or three elements of experience which, in its view, could give substance to a team of young, apparently inspired him to remove the "noise".
I'm sorry to finish the season here with a choice Bolognese, which honored the top rossoblu as a player, who saved Bologna coach last season .
Since the early press reports had appeared that had not "taken" with the new property embodied in the Sardinian Porcedda.
And now?
suggest the names of Beretta, Malesani and Zola.
Nothing exciting, nothing that belongs to the heart of Bologna as Dove was .
So the team will be even more alien to the City . We must keep our fingers crossed
not happen again because the 2004-2005 season with Guidolin who left the team and then taken by Mazzone relegated. A goodbye to
Dove, by its decision, has demonstrated, once again, professionalism and character. A
best wishes for the future coach, and especially the Bologna : we need it more than others! Log


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Motorcycle Chrome Corrosion

Quale progetto per Bologna ?

Il Resto del Carlino in his meritorious work for ripristinare la vivibilità di Bologna, ha aperto un dibattito sul progetto di “riqualificazione” della città, chiedendo il parere di architetti ed urbanisti e aprendo un forum tra i lettori.
Interessante osservare come i “tecnici” si siano soffermati sulle questioni estetiche e urbanistiche (le strade, i fiori, i palazzi, le costruzioni) mentre il Popolo , come sempre con saggezza, abbia posto in primo piano, per la vivibilità della nostra città, non stravolgimenti estetici e architettonici, bensì
Manutenzione delle strade
Muri imbrattati
no coincidence that the issues that are essentially a too-cautious Carlino has faced in recent months that has seen him at the forefront of meritorious work of cleaning the walls defaced by spray sozzoni of artists who believe .
citizens, who live daily Bologna, know that our city does not need to be rebuilt physically, but socially and civilly .
Sure, you can avoid defacing the streets with touring the civis ( Via Marconi, from a large artery that was, now appears to be a slalom course ), you must renovate the dilapidated buildings that, among others, damage shelter to stray, animals and dirt, must be maintained and drained well-paved roads, cleaning the drains and allowing the stormwater runoff so as not to turn our streets into streams, which are beautiful but only in the mountains, after each shower. To achieve
therefore a human city, pleasant and functional for those who live , no matter erect new buildings, monuments to bad taste that sometimes is an affront to the city and its artistic history.
must first be aware of our culture and our tradition For this to happen we need to be administered by who was born in Bologna, vissuto e da Bologna ha assorbito lo stile di vita che promana dalla nostra stessa urbanistica.
Dobbiamo quindi garantire che il lavoro svolto non sia vanificato da sozzoni delinquenti che, con il favore delle tenebre come si addice ai vigliacchi, tornano ad imbrattare i muri.
La sicurezza è anche sicurezza di pulizia delle nostre strade ed è auspicabile che la futura amministrazione ripensi alle Ronde civiche con adeguati poteri e strumenti per reprimere anche con la forza ogni azione criminale e vandalica .
Quale progetto per Bologna?
Bloccare la distruzione del tessuto sociale della cities and return to the local community, with its traditions, its customs, its traditions, the rest will come automatically. Log


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Remove Haze From Stone

Rifacimento manto stradale:si può fare meglio

As "the good old days " when the local councils were responsible for improving the quality of life of citizens, not foreign policy or "legislate" on issues that concern the common , the month of August was used by managing commissioner of Bologna to carry out pave some streets.
While the work was going I said to myself: how nice, now do not just roll out a new coat of asphalt, but remove the previous , avoiding potholes with drains.
I "spoke" too soon.
work is finished I found that have not scratched or sufficient amount of old asphalt, or abounded with new roof, because, despite a drop far lower than the previous , the manhole covers still create the 'effect hole and if you pass the motorcycle (and I think also by bicycle) it feels all right.
If, then, take some streets, such as via Putti, with narrow, forcing the car to keep strictly to the right, we suffer a rail effect because our wheels right systematically center in all the drains that run along the way (and there are about a dozen).
Too bad, since there were no work have played a more "up" that would also have allowed a more durable asphalt , as with rain and snow, the edges of the manholes will be quickly eroded (let alone when they pass the snowplow ...) and, thus, we will be back to square one with the problem of potholes.
all remain to be placed through the center (Barbary, Rizzoli, Castiglione up to the door, Ugo Bassi ...) that have loose stones and even a short stretch of paved in clear contrast to the rest of the floor. Log


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wagner Paint Crew Help

Il nuovo che avanza: Danilo Gruppi.

Invited by Massimo in a collaboration, although he knew little Bologna, I can not help but recall that in mid-June in the city of Bologna was elected secretary of the CGIL Danilo groups, ex-militant Power Worker, one of the worst casualties of the 70 groups, to Franco Piperno, Toni Negri, Oreste Scalzone, Lanfranco Pace. But well Massimo Cacciari, Ritanna Armenians. And Franco Piro.
short, the new advances that ...

Starsandbars / Vandeaitaliana

Log it

Computer Movie To Dvd Recorder Disk

Reading Tips: Ilaria Alpi like Fallaci, the commitment and the image of journalists

In periods of low empire is just good for the soul be carried away by stories of men and women for whom the search for truth continues to be a moral imperative.

One rainy afternoon of August until the last cartoon I enjoyed the graphic novel " Ilaria Alpi, the price of truth " publisher Becco Giallo, which was adapted into a film by Giovanna Mezzogiorno.

Carry a passage from the introduction of the beautiful journalist Giovanna Botteri: "So many things have changed: the television, the image of giornaliste, il mondo dei media, e tu sei rimasta un riferimento importante per chi crede ancora nell’informazione come ricerca ella verità, come reportage per spiegare e far capire altri mondi, altre cultura, come missione, studio, lavoro, impegno, passione. Lontani dai tacchi a spillo, dall’ossessione dell’apparire, dai salotti di potere.
Come non pensarti , in Somalia come a Saxa, in Marocco o a Sacrofano, sempre acqua e sapone, le scarpe basse, i pantaloni comodi con le tasche piene di note e indirizzi (…) Ho visto una foto della Fallaci da giovane, in Africa. Seduta a terra, con una camicia larga strapazzata, e i capelli raccolti in due trecce, Era uguale a te. Ma nessuno voleva ammetterlo, come if it were a curse, not knowing that she was a bit 'our myth, a boy, when - the only woman - followed the wars and conflicts, he would spit on his helmet and helicopters. There was only you (...) You followed your dreams, and not betray yourself. "

M.Rizzo-F.Ripoli, Ilaria Alpi The price of truth , Becco Giallo (historical series Chronicle) 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Poketex

Trasformismo al ragù

I read today in the journal of Bologna, Il Resto del Carlino , a novel that continues exchange of amorous feelings between the former mayor and Communist Giorgio Guazzaloca pci / pds / ds / pd.
I also read in a poster, which had expressed willingness to Guazzaloca a path with the Communists.
not deny that it disgusts me (and even more ...) .
Guazzaloca not vote in 1999 because, according to the time, even for professional reasons, political events, social and economic implications of my city, I remember very well that too Guazzaloca was contiguous with the circles of the left , otherwise it would could become, among other things, president of the Chamber of Commerce and its choice to take the field against the left was also explained by the stigma against it from the left just decided he wanted someone more aligned with the ruling party.
In short: I did not trust . The administration of
Guazzaloca, then, turned out better than I expected and acceptable even on a political level, I think most thanks to the communists who reacted badly to an unexpected election defeat the junta pushing at the barricades with their aggression , accusations and invective, that autonomous choice of the mayor.
This led to the crash of 2004 where unfortunately the Communists illusero that the great union leader was also able to administer. The failure of
Cofferati is recent history. As the recent history
hasty decision to submit Center Right two candidates in 2009 (Cazzola and Guazzaloca) with the first coming on the ballot but lost against a Delbono on which, for human charity, it is better to draw a merciful veil . Today
Center Right would be in a position to give another shoulder to cast political, economic and social Bologna, incancrenitasi in decades of relations between the PCI / PDS / ds / pd and cooperatives.
Instead of identifying a candidate who represents the synthesis and characterization of the can while cutting with the past, you lose the center-right faction in small vessels and as politician transformism . Thus we see
a Raisi that came out of the room and the PDL group in the province, has the astonishing claim to be the same as the Provincial Coordinator of the PDL . And
Guazzaloca, rejected by voters twice, the second in the "primary" election against Cazzola 2009, which does not accept the board and causes massive damage to the hypothesis of alternation in the city administration, with a wink to the mess-ups with the Communists .
It 's true that, in Bologna, the natural good nature of its citizens has always avoided those excesses, even in political clashes that have occurred elsewhere, but politically I think values \u200b\u200band principles of those who are inspired by the center-right to liberal democracies, siano incompatibili con quelli che stanno alle spalle della storia dei comunisti , indipendente da quanti nomi questi ultimi cambino e si attribuiscano.
Il trasformismo politico è da respingere, sempre e comunque, anche se condito con un sia pur ottimo ragù, figuriamoci poi se si abbina ad un percorso comune con i comunisti .

Entra ne

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fujifilm Telescope Adapter

Reading Tips: Natalia Aspesi, master of romantic comedy at a distance of 30 years: "With sex becomes more career with the brain "

And speaking of booklets caustic and irreverent, The Rizzoli was reprinted "He ! Viewed from you " Natalia Aspesi, ironic portrait of prejudices and hypocrisies that revolve around the relationship. Published in the eighties, the book is both an X-ray of contemporary man and a brilliant investigation into the reasons why many women, despite the watershed of the so-called sexual revolution, are bent on finding a stable and lasting relationship.

READ the introduction to the new edition of Aspesi, a sharp critique the evolution of feminism and careerism of today's women of a certain category: "I'd completely forgotten, this book written with great casting and My pleasure at a time when feminism had not yet been withdrawn superbly in his learned cloisters (...). Instead, more than thirty years later, it seems to me that only misleading a lot of dust has settled on how we, as women, as men (...) The power of women is always more that way there, the eternal gender, body, and then in a few years youth. The sex becomes more career with the brain, even better both, of course, but the latter is less essential than the first. He saw her, now? Less as a husband, more as a means to get ahead. (...) Women have become too much, all young, all smiling, all briefs to invade the television. Their bodies are always present on the video were deleted from the video itself, the thoughts, ideas, facts, have diminished the perception of femininity, and we returned to the starting point. Her view of him, so conspicuously present and available, offer continuous, in fact counts for nothing. "

Natalia Aspesi, Him! seen by you, BUR 2009 (1st ed. 1980)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Anna Griffin Invitation Problems

suggested reading: Italian hilarious chick lit that relies on self-esteem

The cover (a woman about to kiss a toad) and the title ("You can find a better . Afresh the great without him ") might be confusing this book with many examples of literature from chicks" that fill the shelves dedicated to "women's literature." In fact

Francesca Moro's book is a manual self-help which tells, with witty style and often hilarious results, as a story went wrong again after relying on self-esteem. On the subject of

womenomics, I recommend the chapter on " strategies for natural selection of the partner ", as they apply some classical economic theory (the author "has a career as a ballet dancer struck down by a degree in economics and trade ") to see if the man in question is actually to win or not. After the short chapter devoted to the master in love administration, to whip BCG (Barbie Consulting Group) and trading up and trading down , in ' Love in the Time of leadership here is a glimpse of the rules to be applied for the selection of the candidate: Rule 1: there is no perfect candidate, but the right candidate to the position. So, first of all, be honest with yourself and confess something to be looking for. If you want the father of your children, a rapper from a minor may not be the first choice, though terribly cute. If your goal is marriage in the church with a Vera Wang dress (women are incredibly specific in terms of aspirations) a pluridivorziato may not be an ideal candidate. If times a week for someone to have fun, forget your best friend's boyfriend (in fact, that let loose always).

Francesca Moro, You can find a better . Welcome Party without him, Piemme 2010