Saturday, August 14, 2010

Computer Movie To Dvd Recorder Disk

Reading Tips: Ilaria Alpi like Fallaci, the commitment and the image of journalists

In periods of low empire is just good for the soul be carried away by stories of men and women for whom the search for truth continues to be a moral imperative.

One rainy afternoon of August until the last cartoon I enjoyed the graphic novel " Ilaria Alpi, the price of truth " publisher Becco Giallo, which was adapted into a film by Giovanna Mezzogiorno.

Carry a passage from the introduction of the beautiful journalist Giovanna Botteri: "So many things have changed: the television, the image of giornaliste, il mondo dei media, e tu sei rimasta un riferimento importante per chi crede ancora nell’informazione come ricerca ella verità, come reportage per spiegare e far capire altri mondi, altre cultura, come missione, studio, lavoro, impegno, passione. Lontani dai tacchi a spillo, dall’ossessione dell’apparire, dai salotti di potere.
Come non pensarti , in Somalia come a Saxa, in Marocco o a Sacrofano, sempre acqua e sapone, le scarpe basse, i pantaloni comodi con le tasche piene di note e indirizzi (…) Ho visto una foto della Fallaci da giovane, in Africa. Seduta a terra, con una camicia larga strapazzata, e i capelli raccolti in due trecce, Era uguale a te. Ma nessuno voleva ammetterlo, come if it were a curse, not knowing that she was a bit 'our myth, a boy, when - the only woman - followed the wars and conflicts, he would spit on his helmet and helicopters. There was only you (...) You followed your dreams, and not betray yourself. "

M.Rizzo-F.Ripoli, Ilaria Alpi The price of truth , Becco Giallo (historical series Chronicle) 2010


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