Monday, June 28, 2010

What Do Sulfasalizine Look Lo

The X Factor and Bollini pink

The first June issue of "Nature " you go through gender bias in biomedical research , the so-called gender bias: women are underrepresented in clinical trials and pharmacological ones, there is no data on possible risks of drugs during pregnancy.

In Italy, after the translation of the worldwide bestseller outdated "We and our body" of the collective Boston Women (Feltrinelli, 1974), the subject has been recently again - with positions sometimes questionable - in a series of books:
- Manacorda E., L. Gabaglio, The X Factor The first book on medicine usually written by women for women and thought, Castelvecchi
- R. Rumiana, women and men. We are born or made? Il Mulino.

Still on the subject, to signal the initiative " Bollini pink " award hospitals to care for women coordinated by ' Wave Observatory, now in its second edition.

Free Adult Chikan Bus

The reasons for the family and of cash

Sole24Ore Interesting article today on family welfare that clashes with the constraints of public expenditure control.

To note the box that compares the measures in place in major European states on pensions, credit care, parental leave, vouchers, child care and maternity. Italy limps a little on all fronts, the only point at which it is a little more generous maternity leave: 21 weeks 16/18 against other countries, but where the allowance is equal to 100% of salary, not 80%.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nail Design Harley Davidson

In June Milan is full of events on gender equality and womenomics!

For the concentration of events taking place over the next few days in Milan on gender equality issues and womenomics seem to be in the area on March 8th! That the issue has finally been cleared by that fateful date? Or that the situation has become so untenable (Thanks to the usual lines of our Prime Minister? Nth research on gender issues that square as Italy always the last places? Elongation of the pension at age 65 women in a social context like the Italian one? To the enduring advertising images diminish women's bodies?) that the reaction of the female world is being felt to be clearly organized and consistent?

Milan, June 21, 10 h, the local Labour of Milan (1st Floor), Via Mauro Macchi
"transitional outputs. The resignation of working mothers in the first year of life of children"
Presentation of the results of 'self-titled research project
Roundtable "Reflections on findings and proposals "
Moderator Rita Querzè, newspaper Corriere della Sera
For info: @ consigliera.parita

Milan, June 21, 20.30, Fondazione Quercioli, via E. Gola 20
"Dear girls, a reminder. Rilessone women past, present and future"
Vittoria Franco, Senator PD, author of "Care Girls"
Zajczk Francesca, Milan City Council Councillor PD , a sociologist
Ilaria Cova, resp. PD forum women
Pierfrancescao Majorino Lombardia, Milan City Council leader PD.
coordinates Piera Landoni, resp. PD forum women

Milan Metropolitan Area, 24 giugno, h 9.15, Palazzo del Lavoro Gi Group in Piazza IV Novembre 5.
PIU' VALORE PER LE AZIENDE PIU' VALORE PER LE MAMME CHE LAVORANO La giornata prevede gli interventi di importanti esponenti del mondo politico, sindacale e industriale ed una tavola rotondamoderata da Rita Querzé, giornalista del Corriere della Sera.
In questa occasione verranno presentati i risultati del progetto Moms@work , che offre alle aziende servizi di recruitment e consulenza specializzati sulla forza lavoro mamme, e verrà fatto il punto sulle politiche di sostegno alla conciliazione famiglia-lavoro sia a livello nazionale che regionale.

Milano, 24 giugno, h 9, Palazzo Isimbardi, Hall of Frescoes, Corso Monforte 35
"MiComunico. The public communication attentive to gender, to overcome stereotypes and to promote change"
final meeting of the project co-financed by the Lombardy Region in the notice "Small projects for large ideas "
Opening: Stancari Cristina, Minister for Equal Opportunities
Presentation of project results, and laboratory communication
Roundtable coordinated manner by Anna Stack (President CdIE)
During the occasion will be distributed a copy of the research report.

Milan, 28 June, 18:00 h, Giureconsulti Palace, Piazza 2 merchants
"The virtuous circle of female professionals, productivity and welfare, can be stimulated with non-standard measures that are being discussed in parliament"
Discussants: Ida Maria
Germontani, Senator (PDL)
Alessia Mosca, Member of ( PD)
Andrea Ichino, Professor University of Bologna
Moderated by James Hansen, Journalist, Consultant to International Relations. RSVP
E - mail:

Milan, 29 June, h 18.30, Bocconi University, Classroom Perego, Via Sarfatti 25
"Gender equality and economic development"
The "Bocconi lecture" this year under the program "Economics and open society" offers a lesson on the theme of Esther Duflo, an economist young professor at MIT.

Milan, 30 June, 18:00 h, House of Culture, Burgundy Street 3
Presentation of the book "Women in Waiting . Italy gender inequalities" Alessandra Paola Casarico and Prophet, Egea
The authors speak with Marilisa D'Amico, Anna Puccio
Introduced and coordinated by Ilaria Cova. Speakers Censi Arianna, Laura Glass. Meeting organized by the Regional Forum of Women PD Lombardia

Kate Playground Lotion

"We will make exceptions only for those who bring beautiful girls": the Albanian writer Elvira Dones Berlusconi

The Albanian writer Elvira Dones wrote this open letter Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on the bar of the Knight "beautiful Albanian girls." On a visit to Tirana, during his meeting with Berisha, Prime Minister attacked the smugglers demanded more vigilance and Albania.
He added: "We will make exceptions only for those who bring beautiful girls."


Dear Mr. Prime Minister, I write a newspaper that she does not read, yet a few words I have it to him, because Friday's casual sense of humor has touched people very dear to me, "the beautiful Albanian girls ".
While the prime minister of my country of origin, Sali Berisha, confirmed the commitment of his government in the fight against smugglers, she pointed out that "for those who bring beautiful girls we can make an exception." I
those "pretty girls" I met them, I met dozens of day and night, hiding from their pimp, I followed by Garbagnate Milan to Sicily.
They told me glimpses of their lives broken, choked and vandalized. A "Star" its owners had an effect on the stomach a word: bitch.
was a beautiful girl with a defect: abducted in Albania and transported to Italy, refused to go on the sidewalk.
After a month of collective rapes by members of Italian and Albanian pimp, touched bend.
knew the sidewalks of Piedmont, Lazio, Liguria, and who knows how many others.
E ' only then - three years later - that they recorded his profession on his belly: so, for fun or for fun.
At the time it was a beautiful girl, yes.
Today is just a waste of society, not fall in love never, never become a mother and grandmother.
That "bitch" on the belly has erased any glimmer of hope and confidence in man, the slaughter of the customers and pimps destroyed the uterus. On "Beautiful Girls" I wrote a novel, published in Italy under the title sun burned.
Years later turned a documentary for Swiss TV: I went in search of another beautiful girl named Brunilda, his father had asked me in tears to investigate her. He was a father like many other fathers Albanians with whom their daughters were missing, abducted, mutilated, hung upside down in a disused butchers if they dared to rebel.
was a father like you, Mr President, just less lucky. Even today
Brunilda's father does not accept that her daughter is dead forever, drowned in the sea or executed somewhere in the suburbs.
He still hopes, dreams of a miracle. It 's a long story, President ...
But if I knew I could count on his attention, we will send you a copy of my book, or send the documentary, or I would gladly talk to her.
But the warning, Mr. President: I reply to the beats, not swallow. In the name of
Each star, Bianca, and their families Brunilda these few lines I had them to him.
In these twenty years of difficult transition, Albania has run much suffering and many wounds inflicted with his own hands, but the Albanian people is also increasing the desire to finally walk back straight and head held high. The
Albania has no patience or sympathy for the humiliation free.
I think if she would stop to consider the human drama as material for jokes by late night bar, would not that stand to gain.
This "joke" seems to be understated in these past days when the controversy raging Bertolaso, but binds deeply at the thought and actions of people like Berlusconi and Company, thoughts and actions in which the respect for women is put under your feet every day, actions that are no less criminal than those who exploit the Albanian girls are just disguised gallant gestures or expensive gifts I am ashamed and deeply sorry for myself all the Albanian women.

Merid Elvira Dones

Monday, June 14, 2010

Aching Boobs And Legs

M. Hack: disobedience is needed when civil laws are against democracy and freedom

The neo 88enne Margherita Hack, always a critical eye toward militant all types of systems too close (within a few days on Youtube Channel WOMENOMICS an interview in which talks about his upbringing and his career for women) declares its strong opposition to the law on wiretapping: "This law kills freedom of information, ready to break ' (The Unit, 13/06).

From reading the article by Nadia Urbinati newspaper Repubblica 12/06: "Disobeying for democracy."

Canadian Models Ashleigh

retire at 65 years: Some interesting comments

A selection of articles on the subject of recent days, anticipated some months ago by the prophetic book of Emma Bonino "pensioners will be her"

"One European study shows that gender equality woman-is (for now) only outgoing (Laura La Posta, Il Sole 24 Ore , 11/06), research Cerp of Turin, with a commentary by Alessandra Servidori, National Council equal.

"Equality can not start from the pension" (Rita Squerzè, Courier, 11/06), collecting the views of Gianna Martinengo, Fiorella Kostoris, Paola Prophet, Isabella Rauti, Roberta De Monticelli.

"Equal length" (Lidia Ravera, Unit , 11/06)

Meanwhile on Facebook of nearly 5,000 members, "Half of all: 65 yes, but with the burden and honor," movement born on the day it was announced raising the retirement age of women at 65, with the intent to equalize the Italian legislation to the European Union.

To try to see the glass half full: on the last Wednesday in the House were deposited two draft laws on paternity leave compulsory . One by Alessia Mosca (Pd) signed by 25 MPs, the second by Barbara Saltamartini (PDL) signed by 36 colleagues.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thermostat Problems Furnace

"WOMENOMICS" (Cairo) in Rome June 16

Cairo Editore Foundation and University Business June 16 present the book " WOMENOMICS 'Claire Shipman and Katty Kay.

Speakers: Maria Pia Ammirati, Daniela Brancati, Elisa Manna, Amalia Rossi, Monica Soldano, Donato Speroni.
Chair: Benedetta Centovalli

Info: June 16 h 18 Enterprise Foundation University, Corso Vittorio 18 Emanuele II, Rome

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sledding With Toddler In Ma

Revolution WOMENOMICS (IlSole24Ore) in Rome on June 8

June 8 at the University La Sapienza of Rome will host a meeting to present the book "Revolution WOMENOMICS " by the Faculty of Economics at the Sapienza University of Rome, the Fondazione Marisa Bellisario Lazio and Lombardy and the Union of Industrialists and business of Rome.


Attilio Celant, Dean of Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome

Avivah Wittenberg Cox, Co-author WOMENOMICS Revolution

WOMENOMICS 101: focus on Italy
Marina Brogi, Professor of Economics of Financial Markets, Knowledge

Maria Pia Ammirati, Vice Director of RAI 1
Mark Alfa, Partner McKinsey
Luigi Casero, MP, Deputy Minister of Economy Christine Fennell
Mahne, Director PMS
Andrea Guerra , Managing Director, Luxottica Group
Monica Lucas, Vice President Union of Entrepreneurs and enterprises in Rome
Maurizio Tamagnini, Head of Southern Europe Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Katherine Visconti, Director of Institutional Affairs Servier Italy
Moderator: Laura Post, Editor Sun 24 Closing hours

Lella Golfo, MP, President of the Foundation Marisa Bellisario

Hall - Faculty of Economics - Sapienza University of Rome
Laurentian Castro Street, 9 to 8 June 2010, at 17:30
For info: