Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Is Fair Trade And Fair Trading

Born in 1990, yes, 1990, you got it, for this English boy who is currently on tour in Australia. We are talking about Louis La Roche , prodigy of the dance scene made in the UK that has devoured the 90 mixture with the roots rock and soul album inspired by names of parents and mammoth as The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers and Basement Jaxx, the French house and Daft Punk. A worldwide phenomenon that despite his young age has clear ideas and does not hesitate to seek out even in their production (and release fresh and it seems he does not want to waste time to rest), that noise from vinyl so unmistakably old school.

They hosted the party in Milan boys Sneakers! al cavernoso Rocket , pietra miliare dell'underground milanese, ed è stato un delirio di sudore e dancefloor. Insieme a Louis La Roche, in consolle l'accopiata resident fresca di nuova collaborazione  Allo ( La Valigetta ) e Alex Ormas ( Magnum ).

Godetevi il djset di Louis La Roche per (ri)vivere quella notte!

sabato 23 ottobre 2010
Sneakers! @ Rocket - Milano
guest: Louis La Roche
residents: At Alex + Ormas

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stickle Bricks Early Learning

Not only mail from French soil, but a trio, the dop (Clement Zemstov - mix, Damien Vandesande - keyoards, Jonathan "JoJo" Hillel - lyrics), which holds all the cards to move to a new house scene from the best in live, when the crowd - and in console - you swim in rivers of vodka swaying on vocals and keyboards.
Noze of close friends and especially Nicholas, where they found a mentor ("Never play sober" is the maximum preferred), dichiarano "We come from the planet Aguayo, which is much bigger than planet Earth" e giusto per dirla tutta non sono certo dei novellini: jazz, raggae, rock (abbandonato successivamente alla tragica scomparsa del chitarrista Roman), hip pop. Proprio seguendo i compatrioti in concerto si innamorano di Berlino e della sua poliedrica scena clubbing, anche per scappare da un certo conservatorismo francese che non lascia molti spazi, e da quel 2007 ha inizio la loro, personalissima, prorompente, storia.

I dOp, in tour mondiale per la promozione del "Greatest Hits" targato Circus Company , saranno a Milano tomorrow for "A Deeper fly on Friday" (Early live h02.00) joined the duo in console Megaphono version dirty DJs and producers of Italian The Barking Dogs .

friday 22 oct 2010
@ G - 11 via bonnet milan
DOP live

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dog Respiratory Problem Asthma

Mission impossible: to leave Bologna with the ban on newspaper

Siamo a circa sei mesi dal voto per l’elezione del nuovo sindaco di Bologna dopo l’infelice esperienza di Delbono.
Il pci/pds/ds/pd è il partito che ha le maggiori probabilità di eleggere il suo uomo e, infatti, le ambizioni che si nutrono all’ombra della falce e del martello occultati – ma non rimossi – dai nuovi simboli, forniscono qualche speranza al Centro Destra per ripetere l’entusiasmante exploit of 1999 and to leave our beautiful city from the suffocating pollution red.
To obtain the desired result, however, it is necessary that the center-right individuals a viable candidate, who can represent the best part of the city, one that produces without paying duty, through intermediaries, coop, "the party." So far
Daisy did not provide a valid name.
From the former editor of Il Resto del Carlino, Giancarlo Mazzucca , which appears in every respect as a worthy candidate, but with printed in front of the label of loser , the new entry Giuliano Cazzola that reminds me a lot the Democrat Beniamino Andreatta and left does not seem sufficiently well known or otherwise as to coagulate a legion willing to fight until the last minute to its success.
Unfortunately we are faced with a dilemma : find a candidate that looks to the future, then a candidate ideologically and temperamentally marked , probable loser today, but winning tomorrow, or choose a new Guazzaloca , colorless, tasteless, odorless, only groped to win today and, later, building the structure to be consolidated in five years to get to extend the winning streak. In the first case
see a candidate of the League and, in particular, Manes Bernardini . In the second case
Bologna you can think of to play the card of a national caliber personality, whose candidacy in Bologna situations could also unlock stalled in Rome: Pier Ferdinando Casini . Log


Monday, October 18, 2010

Customized Themes Blogger Hc3

Uomini che uccidono le donne

Cover of latest issue Internazione the reference to an investigation by the Independent's Robert Fisk is a very topical issue in Italy.
The reporter conducted a survey last ten months in Giordaia, Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank to talk about these crimes, especially involving young women. In these countries the concept of "honor" - the honor of family and community - Goes beyond religion and the transcendent human compassion. Each year, twenty thousand women are murdered by men who are accused of dishonoring the family. In many countries, these crimes remain unpunished.

How To Extract Oil From Saunf Ajwain Elaichi

Workshop sul telelavoro per la conciliazione

Within steps to combine professional work and family life telework meets both the needs of workers with children (work by objectives, flexible and effective use of time) and companies (cost efficiency, efficient use of resources).
Increased use of this tool could help women who are qualified and motivated to return to work and find iol own space in the world of work.

The organizational aspects, the most recent laws and cases of best practices of distance work. These are the central themes of the meeting to be held Wednesday, October 20 at Monza in provincial institutions, trade unions and cases of best practice in collborazione with Moms @ work.

For info and schedule

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blueprints For A Sand Garden

Il 25 ottobre il 4° Forum Cultura d’Impresa su diversità e multiculturalità

Following the success of the Forum on Corporate Culture of Women's Leadership, which involved over 1,300 participants in past editions, Il Sole 24 ORE Training and Events organized on 25 October 2010 in Milan on 4th Forum Corporate Culture - Women's Leadership: new engine of the economy towards sustainable growth.

Themes event this year will focus on diversity and multiculturalism in the new business environment that requires more and more oriented to change, flexibility and innovation.

The history and achievements of many women in different socio-economic attending the Forum will show how women know and can take on new challenges and that the feminine values \u200b\u200b- respect for interpersonal relationships, caring for the environment, desire to contribute to the sustainable economic development, can become a tool to help find alternative solutions for revitalizing the economy.

During the works will be a round table of leading managers, men and women, comment on the projection of interviews conducted in Paris at the WIN Conference featuring testimonials of worldwide organized specifically for the 4th Forum Corporate Culture. For info

female leadership: new engine of the economy towards sustainable growth
Milan, October 25, 2010 - See Il Sole 24 ORE, Via Monte Rosa 91
Hours 9:00 to 17:30

United Metal Goods Coffee

Il congedo parentale alla svedese vissuto da un italiano espatriato

In column yesterday about Republica Loredana Lipperini blog talks about Stephen the Garden, Italian manager for years and now lives in Stockholm on parental leave.

the light of the Italian situation on parental leave ancora congelata nonostante le proposte di legge Mosca (Pd) e Saltamartini ) (PdL), di seguito alcuni brani significativi per capire l'approccio al tema e le condizioni offerte dal welfare svedese:

"Il piano è di stare a casa con lei in congedo parentale sino a metà gennaio.
Poi prevedo un consiglio familiare per decidere se iniziare subito con il nido o fare entrambi il part-time per qualche mese così da farle iniziare il nido verso i 15mesi".

"siamo andati (...) in biblioteca a "leggere" i libri con le figure accoccolati nell'angolo con cuscinoni che hanno creato apposta"

"siamo andati al cosidetto "asilo aperto". È un asylum run by the municipality where each parent stays with their children, open to all, just present at 9 am. The municipality takes the two leaders and local activities. The infrastructure is very clean, lots of books and toys, a nice kitchen and a local "comfort station" where parents who are racing to change a diaper faster.

"kindergarten Eleanor are getting ready for October 24, United Nations Day. Draw flags, learn songs in all languages \u200b\u200band discuss the Convention on the Rights of the Child according to the UN."

"Today as I was to the 'asylum opened" Today I have had in hand a postcard of the Swedish Ministry of Equal Opportunities with the "checklist" for a day nursery should be careful to equal opportunities, rights and responsibilities "

all ready to move to Stockholm?" If it were not so cold "I said a while ago my sagacious friend ...

Some Good Maths Games

Il "Progetto Donne & Lavoro" di Donna Moderna e Vodafone

Donna Moderna Foundation and Vodafone Italy gave birth to the "Women & Work project " announcement aimed at women to encourage the best ideas of social enterprise women.

Three areas of participation:
- Solidarity. Let's hand: entrepreneurial projects that promote the employment of women who have suffered violence or living situations of socio-economic development.
- Let's Network Web: Projects related to the world of Internet and telecommunications designed to encourage female employment.
- Home & Work. Organizziamoci best: Projects that promote better management and reconciliation of work and family needs in everyday life of women.

The best projects identified in each of the three areas will receive a sum of € 100,000 in grants. On

project site are all indications of when to participate, as do the application form, ask any advice, participate in one of the meetings for the presentation project that are held across Italy in October.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Technifibre T Flight Tx2

still do not understand why if you're in a rock band must necessarily be a drug abuser, as the dj ... that, beyond the music that push, are considered the collective imagination as the Fatton alcoholics unable to work seriously. The Black Angels , Americans "Made in Texas" as one of Stratocaster formed in 2004 and are now on the third disc, but despite that we carry around from "Passover" that golden fattanza of distinguishing their music, not them. Although it is true that gender is easily traceable to Janis Joplin, or that moment in history, to the psychedelic sound that has distinguished cultural, it is equally true that their music encompasses those physical traits typical of our day.
It is no coincidence that their success comes even more to outline a time of change in global music. There is in fact act in a return to "complicated music" or those vibrations and moods, which can not count on the economic record labels (and therefore their charge), pointing to emerge on the quality of the arrangements, the harmonic complexity, rhythmic structured and hard on those and on the freedom to create just typical of someone who has only ever bet on your instincts. To stay I prefer to admit that the theme "Phosphene Dream" is a hard challenging in many ways far from "Direction to see a ghost " despite the years just past two years. But I guess people get closer to them watching " Telephone " on YouTube, that individual has anticipated this Lp (significant even in the graphics) and I suppose to think of a commercial product like the "Smash Mouth " . The image then quickly switch channels even though doubtless they glimpse Alex Maas to David Letterman to continue unabated in their frenetic zapping. Alas, I see myself as a little startled at first hearing of Natural Selection, the cornerstone of the new concept psychotropic (Def. that has an affinity with the mind) of electronic music in its own way. Because it strikes a note of the fact often as James Lavelle, who in his career he worked with Robert Del Naja of Massive Attack and Josh Homme of Queens Of The Stone Age (just to name two) have chosen for the launch of his sublime work, just the band to Austin.

He also reflect that in a time now where the technology is now the majority (just think of the banner of the Native Instruments now everywhere on the net) are battered guitars, amplifiers completely pulled focus and deep sound of the floor toms to invade the music scene. Yes, because if you had not yet understood, this album is a candidate to be a serious the work of the year, and perhaps (but you can only say with hindsight) one of the most important of the decade, provided that the Black Angels fail in the future to be even more distorted and deviant, even more apocalyptic and syncopated, but remained at the same time ordered and powerful, proud and sharp.
concedetemelo This does not tell you. For me about the change of pace in "Bad Vibration", the fine sand of the beach of "Haunting at 1300 McKinley" and his riff, drastically distorted in an elegant way: as early as the fourth song we could remove the vinyl from the pot to do start over.
But listening again to "River of blood" which I find OK to let my thoughts in the middle, not to reveal the second part of the disc. Why talk about it for a time as would reveal the ending of a perfect film. Perfect for the lack of sudden changes of direction, which still leave room to magnificent landscapes which increase the effect of drugs taken, the essence of our giddy and euphoric thoughts sudden, is in short, all our dreams.
posted by Ivan Minuti
05 River of Blood
08 True believers

The Black Angels - "Dream Phosphene"
Blue horizon ventures

Best Slideshow Software

Consigli di lettura: "Tutti indietro!", dedicated to women on the run who pay the highest price

the words of Laura Boldrini, spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, an invisible reality show to the public: his personal experience at the forefront of major humanitarian crises, the stories of migrants and refugees, the Italy of solidarity often obscured by the media.

I recall two passages of the book .

Dedication: "I dedicate this book to women fleeing from fear, to those along the path to security have suffered violence and abuse. Women are invisible, no rights and only those who pay the highest price. "

The beginning of the chapter "Women should definitely worse:" The situation of women in forced migration and deserves an in-depth attention that until now has not received, I find it to highlight how to reach women safe place is a path even more dramatic, full of abuse and humiliation came to this conclusion after hearing the heartbreaking stories of so many young women landed on the Italian coast in recent years, victims of abuse and violence. "

Astier The history of Eritrea is one of them: 16 years, to avoid service military, decides groped to reach Europe. By paying a large sum of traffickers to cross the desert to board a jeep packed with other refugees under the edge of survival. The car is stopped by some robbers who rob them and rape them. Arriving in Libya are delivered to the police that led them to prison, where the succession of ill-treatment. Finally, thanks to the visit of some UN people, women are brought to the hospital and released. Aster is working as a maid in Tripoli and is able to put away a bit 'of money to pay for a seat on a boat to Lampedusa. At the reception center for asylum seekers will be visited and discovered to be infected with HIV.
"I have 18 years and his vitga seriously compromised. Who will do justice to aster and many women like her to get in unless they are forced to suffer rapes and sexual abuse? Who will pay for the violence suffered in trying to find a safe place to live? ". The blog

Laura Boldrini Repubblica

JobTalk , the CV of atypical ... Laura Boldrini.

Radical Radio: presentation of the book by Laura Boldrini

Talk to Me: Serena Dandini interview Laura Boldrini

Festival 2010 International : Laura Boldrini LUISSTV interview (from minute 5.15 at the end).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When Do You Pay For A Destination Wedding

Will Sessions is another face of Detroit, quella motor town patria della black music che non finisce mai di sorprenderci. Giovane ensemble di otto elementi capitanato dal trombettista e arrangiatore Sam Beaubien , Will Sessions raccoglie un’eredità preziosa e ci dimostra nell’ampiezza stilistica della sua produzione (hip-hop, jazz, funk...), come le molte facce di Detroit abbiano un’unica anima.
Kindred, l’album appena uscito su The Few è un tributo ai maestri del jazz-fusion, a maestri come Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Sun Ra...
A rimpolpare i già numerosi Will Sessions per l’occasione ci sono professionisti come Wendell Harrison and Jeremy Ellis, Harrison, familiar face of Tribe, provides the sax on the title track, a poignant cool jazz jam session where it evolves continuously, producing dialogue through rhythm and jazz instruments a dream that we would like would never end. Even
'Seven Miles' has the same power of 'Kindred', but here the pace is velvety and caressing, recorded from below, a key element of a groove without laying underground, while the other draws delicate atmosphere that grow progressively breaking the sound of the wind that accompanied the jam session.
'Kindred' deserves a thorough listen and time: the traces have the (rare nowadays, unfortunately) the ability to transform itself, giving us the unexpected.

The group's recent collaborations with Slum Village , Mayer Hawthorne and other big guns, and the background of the guest Harrison and Ellis (this multi-faceted musician with an asset Transmat releases on , Guidance and Ubiquity ) help us understand the greatness of African-American musical culture, and how its relationship with modern forms of dance music is indissoluble.
posted by Francesco Soragna

Will Sessions - "Kindred"
Few Records 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mazzi Sphinx Cernter Cap


We previously had occasion to condemn the banning policy that, especially the Communists, they love to apply in the cities they administer. Unfortunately
Italian citizens have a degree of endurance than any other.
So even the junta this year left the region of Emilia Romagna has ordered bans trafficking .
Useless as always, but, as we saw in the past of the Soviet Union, all that was useless, as long as they were a way to oppress the people, it was repeated endlessly.
Here, then, that they begin driving bans and, therefore, on Thursday, "on foot".
foot ... yes, maybe someone, who, pro bono pacis, are unlikely, for the rest of authorized exceptions and to bring back the children from school, to go to work, because she knows someone who still finds you a permesso, le strade sono intasate quanto prima e le "polveri sottili" non calano mai .
A che serve tutto questo ?
Solo ad una affermazione autoreferenziale degli amministratori , gente che, probabilmente, ne ha bisogno per giustificare il proprio ruolo (e remunerazione).
Ma perchè non provvedono a riparere le strade ?
Perchè non provvedono a ripulire le strade dalla feccia che alligna agli angoli delle nostre belle vie ?

A Bologna abbiamo una flebile speranza .
Non ci conto molto, ma il Commissario Cancellieri ha già dato prova di una minima indipendenza anticipando la sospensione di Sirio in the two summer months.
course did not have the courage to finally turn off Sirius but a dare, if you do not have it, if you can not give , as did Don say Manzoni Abbondio.
E 'already much what he did and maybe now could do more to avoid the Bologna antics of Thursday without a car.
last Spes Goddess. Log
