Siamo a circa sei mesi dal voto per l’elezione del nuovo sindaco di Bologna dopo l’infelice esperienza di Delbono.
Il pci/pds/ds/pd è il partito che ha le maggiori probabilità di eleggere il suo uomo e, infatti, le ambizioni che si nutrono all’ombra della falce e del martello occultati – ma non rimossi – dai nuovi simboli, forniscono qualche speranza al Centro Destra per ripetere l’entusiasmante exploit of 1999 and to leave our beautiful city from the suffocating pollution red.
To obtain the desired result, however, it is necessary that the center-right individuals a viable candidate, who can represent the best part of the city, one that produces without paying duty, through intermediaries, coop, "the party." So far
Daisy did not provide a valid name.
From the former editor of Il Resto del Carlino, Giancarlo Mazzucca , which appears in every respect as a worthy candidate, but with printed in front of the label of loser , the new entry Giuliano Cazzola that reminds me a lot the Democrat Beniamino Andreatta and left does not seem sufficiently well known or otherwise as to coagulate a legion willing to fight until the last minute to its success.
Unfortunately we are faced with a dilemma : find a candidate that looks to the future, then a candidate ideologically and temperamentally marked , probable loser today, but winning tomorrow, or choose a new Guazzaloca , colorless, tasteless, odorless, only groped to win today and, later, building the structure to be consolidated in five years to get to extend the winning streak. In the first case
see a candidate of the League and, in particular, Manes Bernardini . In the second case
Bologna you can think of to play the card of a national caliber personality, whose candidacy in Bologna situations could also unlock stalled in Rome: Pier Ferdinando Casini . Log
Il pci/pds/ds/pd è il partito che ha le maggiori probabilità di eleggere il suo uomo e, infatti, le ambizioni che si nutrono all’ombra della falce e del martello occultati – ma non rimossi – dai nuovi simboli, forniscono qualche speranza al Centro Destra per ripetere l’entusiasmante exploit of 1999 and to leave our beautiful city from the suffocating pollution red.
To obtain the desired result, however, it is necessary that the center-right individuals a viable candidate, who can represent the best part of the city, one that produces without paying duty, through intermediaries, coop, "the party." So far
Daisy did not provide a valid name.
From the former editor of Il Resto del Carlino, Giancarlo Mazzucca , which appears in every respect as a worthy candidate, but with printed in front of the label of loser , the new entry Giuliano Cazzola that reminds me a lot the Democrat Beniamino Andreatta and left does not seem sufficiently well known or otherwise as to coagulate a legion willing to fight until the last minute to its success.
Unfortunately we are faced with a dilemma : find a candidate that looks to the future, then a candidate ideologically and temperamentally marked , probable loser today, but winning tomorrow, or choose a new Guazzaloca , colorless, tasteless, odorless, only groped to win today and, later, building the structure to be consolidated in five years to get to extend the winning streak. In the first case
see a candidate of the League and, in particular, Manes Bernardini . In the second case
Bologna you can think of to play the card of a national caliber personality, whose candidacy in Bologna situations could also unlock stalled in Rome: Pier Ferdinando Casini . Log
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