Will Sessions is another face of Detroit, quella motor town patria della black music che non finisce mai di sorprenderci. Giovane ensemble di otto elementi capitanato dal trombettista e arrangiatore Sam Beaubien , Will Sessions raccoglie un’eredità preziosa e ci dimostra nell’ampiezza stilistica della sua produzione (hip-hop, jazz, funk...), come le molte facce di Detroit abbiano un’unica anima.
Kindred, l’album appena uscito su The Few è un tributo ai maestri del jazz-fusion, a maestri come Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Sun Ra...
A rimpolpare i già numerosi Will Sessions per l’occasione ci sono professionisti come Wendell Harrison and Jeremy Ellis, Harrison, familiar face of Tribe, provides the sax on the title track, a poignant cool jazz jam session where it evolves continuously, producing dialogue through rhythm and jazz instruments a dream that we would like would never end. Even
'Seven Miles' has the same power of 'Kindred', but here the pace is velvety and caressing, recorded from below, a key element of a groove without laying underground, while the other draws delicate atmosphere that grow progressively breaking the sound of the wind that accompanied the jam session.
'Kindred' deserves a thorough listen and time: the traces have the (rare nowadays, unfortunately) the ability to transform itself, giving us the unexpected.
The group's recent collaborations with Slum Village , Mayer Hawthorne and other big guns, and the background of the guest Harrison and Ellis (this multi-faceted musician with an asset Transmat releases on , Guidance and Ubiquity ) help us understand the greatness of African-American musical culture, and how its relationship with modern forms of dance music is indissoluble.
posted by Francesco Soragna
Will Sessions - "Kindred"
Few Records 2010
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