Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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MetroKlang [Act II] / a night with Argenis Brito and RICKY ERRE LOVE THE

MetroKlang [Act II] / a night with Argenis Brito and RICKY ERRE LOVE

Saturday, December 25

Donky CLUB / Barletta
Saturday, December 25 at the Club Donky Barletta presents the second act of a memorable MetroKlang branded series of evenings, for the occasion will host the eclectic dj Venezuelan Argenis Brito. His innovative sound and emotional vibrations will alternate orchestrated by Ricky Erre Love. Once again the event will countersign MetroKlang for the fusion of quality music and involving atmosphere underground.

A true artist in the round - a professional musician, an expert singer, producer and passionate innovator - Argenis Brito was born in Caracas (Venezuela), began studying the piano and, at age 13, singing in a Venezuelan group, the Los Chamoso, very popular in Latin America and the U.S. in the early eighties. Argenis In 1985 he created his first band with Gustavo WAG Montaño: come compositore, bassista e cantante incide due album, nel 1986 e 1988, ottenendo un vasto successo in America Latina, USA e Messico a cui segue una lunga serie di concerti.
Ad introdurlo alle sonorità della musica elettronica è la Pop Star cilena Jorge González, con cui dal 1998 gira Cile e Perù, al seguito della nuova band Los Dioses. Poco dopo Argenis aderisce al progetto di Señor Coconut come cantante, condividendo così il vasto successo in Europa, America e Asia dei numerosi dischi prodotti, volti a reinterpretare i grandi classici della musica Pop e Rock in chiave latina.
Il nome di Argenis Brito è intrinsecamente legato al genere del Latinotronics. L’inizio del nuovo millennio è l’occasione to propose a new musical style: with Mambotur, an association created by the Chilean producer Pier Bucci, stepped forward a new emotional musical, based on the winning combination of Mambo, Cumbia and Salsa with sophisticated electronic sounds enhanced by nuances Dub. The two albums resulted from the collaboration, "Atina Latino" (2002), and "Al Frente" (2005), leading them to be present in the major European festivals. Shortly after birth a new project with producer Swiss-Chilean Luciano, entitled Monne Automne manifesting itself with four tracks. Argenis In 2002 he moved to Berlin: here, inspired by the vibrant city atmosphere, working with different musicians and producers and is involved in several projects: Krak Street Boys (w / JH), The Basstards (w / JH and Jamming Unit of Air Liquide), Bearback (w / JH and Samim) vs. Samim. Argenix, Maluco (w / Pier Bucci and Max Loderbauer of Sun Electric, Chica and the Folder).
In 2006 Argenis Brito launches his first solo, "Sentidos Opuestos" followed by the double EP "Micro Mundo", the Swiss label Cadenza, and the subsequent "Imminent." More new music releases that are involved are included in records of well known labels such as, among others, Multicolor Recordings, Lo-Fi Recordings, Crosstown Rebels, Tuning Spork, Disko B, Essay, Cadenza, Karaoke Kalk.

Argenis Brito's participation in the project is only MetroKlang all’inizio e proseguirà anche dopo questo evento: il noto dj venezuelano infatti sarà protagonista delle prime uscite discografiche dell’etichetta MetroKlang con un remix di un brano firmato Ricky Erre Love.

cos’è MetroKlang

Il progetto MetroKlang nasce dall’obiettivo di valorizzare la creatività giovanile in campo culturale, considerata risorsa indispensabile e valore aggiunto alla crescita del territorio, e di favorire l’espressione e la diffusione di proposte e idee nuove in ambito musicale e artistico. Sabato 25 dicembre presso il Donky Club, MetroKlang presenta il secondo di una serie di eventi che si svolgeranno nel territorio, nel campo dell’arte e dello show, through showcases in clubs and art spaces of the most famous.
MetroKlang, which next year will record label, will also operate in the field of music production, supporting the creation and distribution at national and international vinyl records and digital tracks of young musicians from Puglia, joined by artists already on the international music market. The project is a fusion of ideas in the field of professionals who bring experience, professionalism, organizational skills and accumulated in the field of promoting music and art in the last twenty years.


Info, discounts, giveaways and tables:
Leo Ricatti +39 3478432469


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