Monday, March 14, 2011

Winchester Canadian Centennial 30-30

Crucial week in the mayoral candidate of the Centre Right

The Bologna Center Right , two months before the vote, is still struggling with the appointment of a mayoral candidate for the elections of 15 and 16 May.
not a pretty business card .
It 's true that, whatever happens, who is never the center-right would not vote for the candidate of the pci / pds / ds / pd , least of all because these are the Campania Merola, the third stranger, a stranger to reality Bologna that the hegemonic party of 66 years, has imposed on its militants.
But it is also true that the application is also built in time to circulate the names and organizing the campaign.
E ' appreciable Fabio Garagnani decision in rejecting the idea of \u200b\u200bvoting a candidate civic less uncertainty about the name.
At this point, only one candidate remains organized and rooted in the territory of the Northern League Manes Bernardini . In the alternative
Anna Maria Bernini , member of the PDL, which also seems unwilling to stand as mayor, after a nice run by presidential candidate of the region.
I hope that the Centre Right decides to give the endowment to Bernardini, organizing lists of municipal and district appropriate to collect the most votes, even in the future. Why
if you win, well , but if you lose the leftist candidate will be yet another flop administrative, ideological as it is, and in 2016 will be a walk in the race to Bernardini in the meantime a Manes grew up in the knowledge of citizens and how head of an opposition to be hard and without discount, in the palace, in the neighborhoods and the streets . Log


Friday, March 11, 2011

Griha Pravesh Invitation Messages

What's goin' on Swiss live at Discosafari

And here I am back in a little 'cold London, returning from California (although it was not so hot even there).
So let's say now that San Francisco is always worth a visit (we signed the returns for Gay Pride June 26).
quellla The feeling is always to be in a city "freakkettona" ... remember his past as a hippie in the 60s and 70s!
Public Works a new club is very nice, with a capacity just to party with about 1000 people - and always has a discrete programming. Our friends
Honey Sound System for example, increasingly organized their nice Sunday with various guests, from Optimo to Sleazy McQueen.
Viennetta Discotheque (I love the name) is on a Monday evening of deep house music underground .. I liked it a lot, and it is an evening that is growing well. And now we change
locatio: Los Angeles is a 'different story, is a city where you always have dispersed the machine.
Boys Bears In Space and Brutus are always strong: the Vine Bar on Vine council street where last year Grace Jones also made the 'after party of her concert in LA. Obviously
Sarcastic Disco guys are not to be missed with our GOD ... Dj Harvey ... but this happens in the area of \u200b\u200bVenice Beach (I must say I found the beach a bit 'too much in style Camden Town). However
California is always California ... even if the premises close at 2am but tranqui ... .. they are all very hospitable and often invite you also to a house party!

fall in the UK, in London this week to report the reopening of the Matter, which is actually now called Proud2 . The owners are the same public venue Proud in Camden Town (ahaha), so maybe there is a future-oriented most of this local live gigs - even if the location is a bit ' too far, we speak of the 2nd arena in Greenwich mmm .... I do not know.

I would say that this tour is all ... see you soon!
posted by Severino

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eyewitness Or Lonely Planet

MODART Molfetta: March 13, the Night & Day

A Molfetta Arts, Culture and Entertainment awaken by the acute instinct for a group of merchants and artists. MODART, "a new way of making art" is already in its third edition.

Sunday, March 13th at 18:00 h the NIGHT & DAY Lounge Bar (the industrial area of \u200b\u200bMolfetta, Via dei Pescatori - near the migrated) will host another great show that will see it as "active participants" clothing and "Rosalba Brides, "" Mastropierro Fashion Center "," Snob Men "Hair Styling: Angel Vendola," Make Up "Beauty Center Solarium Essentia", Accessories: "Optics Cassano", "thermodynamic" Auto: "Lovercar" Investments "MK Graphic"; Floral Creations: "La vie en rose" Image: "Action Photography" Travel Agency: Travel Caputo; Productions: " Super Boing "Catering:" Sweet Events "with performances of Teresa Vitariello showgirl, the School of Dance" Pink Shoes "and the group of oriental dance" Farash and Flowers of the Desert "School Dance" Humphrey Bogart ". All coordinated by the Art Director and Deejay Enzo Farinola of the 'Havana Group. Born

intended as a display sought proposals for a marriage class, the group Modart, made not only of high quality products but also of people active and innovative ideas, is growing increasingly being enriched with new artists and collaborators.

tastings, fashion shows, creations, music, art, culture and above SHOW. Admission is free but you must buy a ticket that will also draw for the right gadgets ... and more ... Do not miss it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Add A Name To A Deed

Expo Italy 2011 by Max Margheri

an event where art and fashion photography meet, combine into something unique. And 'This is the leitmotif of Italy Expo 2011 by MaxMargheri, a photographic exhibition on the theme of "fashion" that will be held in the beautiful Arezzo Saturday, March 5 to Saturday, March 12.

The chosen location is the Cafe of the constants in Piazza San Francesco.

The event, in cooperation with the agency CNA Arezzo and Arezzo MODE Event organizers with styling edited by an image consultant agency NIKI Fronde, see StyleCult ( as media partner. The web-magazine, in line with their beliefs, the freshness and dynamism will associate their brand with quality and genius of the photographer Max Margheri. Saturday, March 5

Margheri Max will attend the opening of the exhibition from 18.30 onwards. An event not to be missed per tutti gli appassionati di arte, di fotografia, di moda.

Brazilian Wax East Ottawa

mediation of disputes - Saturday, March 12, Bari

Sabato 12 MARZO - h. 10 Sala Convegni – Camera di Commercio di Bari

Il ruolo dell’avvocato nell’assistenza tecnica. Le “vere” opportunità dal 21 marzo 2011 L’Associazione Provinciale F.I.M.A.A. Bari e Aequitas Adr – Sede Locale di Bari convocano per sabato 12 marzo alle ore 10 nella Sala Convegni della CCIAA di Bari, la conferenza stampa dal tema “La mediazione delle controversie. Il ruolo dell’avvocato nell’assistenza tecnica. Le “vere” opportunità dal 21 marzo 2011”.Il 21 marzo it will be an important step for the Italian justice system will come into force because the compulsory conciliation in civil and commercial matters introduced by Legislative Decree no. March 4, 2010, n.28. This means that all disputes on the rights available to the parties to the conflict shall, to proceed with the judicial phase, having unsuccessfully attempted mediation. Speakers represented by Gaetano Anaclerio, Manuel Constantino, vice ADR group coordinator and Alex Aequitas Bari Corchia that, after a brief talk on the relevant legislation of some aspects pratici.La reform will give the ordinary citizen (who wants to solve, for example, a situation related to a lease, an inheritance, or even a medical liability a contract of insurance or banking), the opportunity to confront a new professional, the mediator, whose activity is directed towards an independent and impartial parties to put in a position to resume a dialogue interrupted "and it reaches a concrete agreement and adjusted the value added is the reduction of time and costs compared to the normal practice processuale.Gli lawyers Filippo Maria Favia and Dante Leonardi, respectively ADR group coordinator and deputy coordinator Aequitas Bari, Aequitas will speak of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) reconciliation of private body based in Turin, founded in 2001, entered in the register of the Ministry of Justice recognized trainer and authority. A Today the foundation has a network from north to south of the peninsula and the FIMAA Bari, which will be presented by the provincial secretary Foresio Gigi, has signed a memorandum of understanding that allows members of the association of provincial Bari provide mediation services at its offices. Mr.. Francesco Diciolla expose in detail the role of the lawyer in providing technical assistance to the mediation, while the relationship between lawyer and client will be attended by Prof. Vincenzo Monterisi and represented by Nicholas Monaco, Giuseppe and Giovanna Caputi Laforgia.

Independent Filmmaker Camera

Simul stabunt, simul cadent

The election for Mayor of Bologna care if he wins the center-right in the normal if the left wins. The finding is
Bologna, with the exception of five years of Guazzaloca between 1999 and 2004, after the war was a communist stronghold .
This meant that the Communists have infiltrated and spread, as a metastasis, in the healthy body of economic, social, civil, political the city.
I believe there is no other region in the world that is so infested with red co that are fed by the political power which, in turn, support in times of crisis like the present.
The combination of political power and economic activity ( long played in the privileged position and not in competition paritaria ) ha obbligato gli stessi imprenditori privati a scendere a patti , magari con sub appalti o associazioni di impresa, con il sistema.
Il supporto reciproco ha ingessato la città e le attività produttive , provocando la decadenza della città in tutti i campi , come accade sistematicamente là dove si vuole scientemente impedire che emergano novità, impedire di dare spazio alla fantasia e alla libertà individuale , perchè si ha paura del nuovo, del cambiamento, delle idee, non avendo nulla da contrapporvi.
Da qui, anche, la scelta nel 2004 e nel 2009 di due soggetti estranei a Bologna, alla sua cultura, to its traditions, such as mayors by the leading party.
Hence administrative failure of the junta Cremonese Cofferati and the morale of the thankfully short experience of Mantua Delbono .
Unfortunately, the lesson was not enough. The
pci / pds / ds / pd was perched and represents a third element foreign to the city, the field ( Caserta Santa Maria Capua Vetere ) Merola, relying on the fact that the militant communist vote, and always However, according to the instructions of the party.
In practice, the sublimation of the story of Peter that, coming home, says his father that the crocodiles and flying his father, who learned that he had written about Unity, said the crocodiles' svulazen "flutter.
Merola is, by all accounts, a weak candidate.
Behind him are digging the whole nomeklatura communist, political and economic (little difference: switching from one role to another according to the needs of the moment). Merola
If he wins, it would be "normal" in this city, with the sedimentary deposits in the decades and connections between the party and co-ops where the alleged conflict of interest Berlusconi is just tickled.
would be normal without the quotation marks, however, if the Bologna decide for their own future, to stop the decline and reverse the route back on its feet, to entrust the administration of the city in new hands, the Centre Right .
And such a result would be significant, would find space in newspapers around the world as it was for Guazzaloca and would also fall, in perspective, the downdraft sets the red co-ops and now that has had its day and it belongs to the prehistory of the economy Sovietization, in total contradiction with the rules of free markets and competition.
I doubt that, with the presence of finioti and "rowdy " , we can replicate the 1999, but it is only right to try .
PDL League and may soon agree on a name party , by my 'no' to civic is clean, and begin the election campaign: no shortage of topics on which to build the assault in the Palazzo Accursio. And do not neglect
lists of identity, as a new force , whose votes, albeit limited, could prove decisive the ballot for mayor, but also to win three or more districts .


Log it

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Translate The Colours Of Shag Bands

In search of the mayor

Il Governo ha fissato nel 15 e 16 maggio (ballottaggio 29 e 30 maggio) i giorni delle elezioni amministrative che includono quelle per il sindaco di Bologna , città commissariata da gennaio 2010 dopo le dimissioni di Delbono ( eletto dalla sinistra ) per lo scandalo che passa alla storia come il “Cinziagate”.
Finora in corsa si sono presentati quattro signori che brandiscono la bandiera del cosiddetto “ civismo ” ( Aldrovandi, Carcano, Corticelli e Laganà ) con sfumature differenti nelle rispettive collocazioni politiche ( Michele Laganà è always been on the right position, while Attorney. Angelo Maria Carcano became the "sponsor" the secretary of the UIL Angeletti, Aldrovandi belongs to a business-oriented Bolognese left if only because the left has to deal with power and Corticelli had a consistent history of Opposition to the left Bologna).
It 'also the candidate of the Communist nomenklatura, Virginio Merola , which represents the persevere in error of that political party which has already imposed, relying on the proverbial obedience to the order of the party militants Bolognese mayors bankruptcy and strangers as Cofferati (born in Cremona) and Delbono (Mantova) and now we try again by removing a cap from Campania sir.
The question arises: but pci / pds / ds / pd no longer has any to offer to Bologna Bologna as mayor of Bologna?
The Center Right has not yet decided, as has been displaced and delayed by the tug-Chancellors of the Commissioner that, fortunately, it was eventually decided to throw in the towel.
I have already had occasion to write that the "civic" are not to my liking, so I read with pleasure that the secretary of the city PDL, Fabio Garagnani , reported to Rome, where you decide the nominations coordinates throughout Italy with League, you want a list with its own symbol and a candidate who belongs to the coalition.
Bravo Garagnani that just shows the pride of those who not want to water down the "civic" .
I therefore hope that Rome will decide soon whether to see Bologna, for the nomination, a candidate of the League or the PDL and in both cases I would have my "horse".
If the candidate was the league would see very well Manes Bernardini, current regional councilor, author of important battles and consistent with the approach not only ideal but also the League of the Centre Right.
One for all: no the mosque.
If the candidate was the PDL why not try again with Anna Maria Bernini ?
Despite the serious concerns I had about her ( candidate at the time to "share" Fini which has been able to unmark when he has overflowed with antiberlusconismo up an alliance with the left ) has shown, with the His campaign of 2010, to have the dialectical and political skills worthily to represent the center-right.
Bernardini or Bernini or anyone else, as long as distinctly belonging to the center-right parties that are present with their symbol. The same is true in
districts where the electoral system will require to hold their noses and make alliances with civic and electoral strongest candidates among which the centrists and even finioti , dividing the presidencies likely would come with lists unit ( Santo Stefano, Zaragoza, Porto ) and could see a equitable sharing of one (Santo Stefano, of course) for the Centre Right, one for the supporters of Aldridge and one for the supporters of Corticelli.
Personally, then, I hope the Centre Right to know the full accessions, encompassing, in the eventual second round but not for the districts, even the radical right who believe in Bologna will once again be represented by Forza Nuova, which probably, whatever happens, I will voting in the first round. Log


Friday, March 4, 2011

H Pylori And Lymphedema


I think of you often. It is always a 'utopia, a' obsession. Before I was in a bar, where I come from. Basically there are four musicians who know each other and then there's the jam session. There are people who brings a guitar, some bass, a harmonica and without knowing who they play. Here I'll tell you once more a frame of my life, to reiterate what I'm in love with you. The love you have for a simple food like what you find by lettuce, to sushi, to pasta sauce that you cook. You are a wonderful thing, the love that we are putting on stage every day is wonderful. This article, this moment is unique. We live, we are sincere and respectful of ourselves, the music, the music. I'm fine with you, I'm God, I miss a lot of things, ' Ipad , the mortgage, the opportunity to go to Nobu, this album on vinyl .. but I have everything; I got you, my mixer, passion and intelligence to stop thinking that life is a gift, you are a miracle. Think about the fact of walking or running or climbing stairs. There are those who can not. Here's how I am, I find it nice to walk because, imagine what I can think of warm and tender embrace that we have data on Monday morning. Or this meandering album, mixed "by Flood to ' Assault & Battery in London (but recorded in a church). It's okay if I brought a suitcase before taking the metro. I do a lot more. I appreciate every moment the beauty of every moment with you. Your progress, your jokes, make love. Discover the carousel "Let england shake" insieme in negozio coi ragazzi, mi ha dato ancora una volta l'opportunità di essere, non di apparire, e questa è la mia paga più grande. 


Ti ho mai detto grazie? Ecco, in questo preciso momento.. Mi fermo, le mani sugli occhi, inspiro e ti dico.. Grazie. Per quello che sei, per quello che fai; per la considerazione che hai di me, per ogni disco che mi suggerisci e che con il bene che ricevo, mi permetti di apprezzare. 
Love is all, Love is everyone. 

posted by Ivan Minutes

PJ Harvey
"Let England Shake"
(Island / Universal) 2011
www. pjharvey . net

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oil Pulling For Candida

to save memory, memory to teach

inaugurated the exhibition in Barletta fotografica “Barletta, il tempo, le immagini, la memoria”

Da dove veniamo, dove stiamo andando? Sono queste le domande che ci si pone visitando la magnifica mostra fotografica “Barletta, il tempo, le immagini, la memoria” allestita presso la Galleria del Teatro Curci a Barletta . Inaugurata in una cornice festosa come quella carnascialesca, la mostra è una collana di perle preziose, collocabili cronologicamente tra il XIX e il XX secolo, collezionate e curate con estrema dedizione dal dottor Donato Messina. La raccolta segue il filo logico della continuità tra passato e presente, in particolare quando si pone l’obiettivo didattico di consegnare alle nuove generazioni la memoria historic city. But at the same time it is also the complaint of brutality and violence perpetrated in the present and / or in the recent past in respect of the urban landscape. It is a fascinating journey through time, which brings to life the customs, traditions, the moments of people's daily lives BARLETTANI. Casts a new light - that light particularly mentioned by prof. Lagrasta, headmaster of the Liceo Classico "Casardi" during the presentation of the exhibition, the light that those who have left their native land find themselves nostalgic every time they return, unlike any other in the rest of the planet - on the old urban amenities and views of cities. A light should illuminate administrators today as those of tomorrow, perhaps taking a cue from the solutions of the past. What is most striking, in front of some photographs and postcards of the time, is that despite the intense vitality of the scenes work and the dynamism of the people on the streets of the city, they were neat and clean as ever we could imagine today. No deafening traffic of cars, no air breathable and fatal, not reckless. Even the portrait of the industrial area around the ex Montecatini seems to have taken some architectural biocompatible. Regret that generates the green square in the pawnshop. And then
leisure, the beautiful women's costumes in "1910-35 West beach, the views of the public courses, workshops, the cartographic representation of the Terra di Bari, the port works mirror the sense of greatness, leadership and openness to the world of the city, the series of old doors - the door hits the majestic San Leonardo - and then return humbly to the hardships of World War II, the shots on the free distribution of bread in the fifties. Truly a magnificent show, maybe to make permanent the Museo Civico di Barletta.

Pasquale Diroma