Saturday, March 5, 2011

Translate The Colours Of Shag Bands

In search of the mayor

Il Governo ha fissato nel 15 e 16 maggio (ballottaggio 29 e 30 maggio) i giorni delle elezioni amministrative che includono quelle per il sindaco di Bologna , città commissariata da gennaio 2010 dopo le dimissioni di Delbono ( eletto dalla sinistra ) per lo scandalo che passa alla storia come il “Cinziagate”.
Finora in corsa si sono presentati quattro signori che brandiscono la bandiera del cosiddetto “ civismo ” ( Aldrovandi, Carcano, Corticelli e Laganà ) con sfumature differenti nelle rispettive collocazioni politiche ( Michele Laganà è always been on the right position, while Attorney. Angelo Maria Carcano became the "sponsor" the secretary of the UIL Angeletti, Aldrovandi belongs to a business-oriented Bolognese left if only because the left has to deal with power and Corticelli had a consistent history of Opposition to the left Bologna).
It 'also the candidate of the Communist nomenklatura, Virginio Merola , which represents the persevere in error of that political party which has already imposed, relying on the proverbial obedience to the order of the party militants Bolognese mayors bankruptcy and strangers as Cofferati (born in Cremona) and Delbono (Mantova) and now we try again by removing a cap from Campania sir.
The question arises: but pci / pds / ds / pd no longer has any to offer to Bologna Bologna as mayor of Bologna?
The Center Right has not yet decided, as has been displaced and delayed by the tug-Chancellors of the Commissioner that, fortunately, it was eventually decided to throw in the towel.
I have already had occasion to write that the "civic" are not to my liking, so I read with pleasure that the secretary of the city PDL, Fabio Garagnani , reported to Rome, where you decide the nominations coordinates throughout Italy with League, you want a list with its own symbol and a candidate who belongs to the coalition.
Bravo Garagnani that just shows the pride of those who not want to water down the "civic" .
I therefore hope that Rome will decide soon whether to see Bologna, for the nomination, a candidate of the League or the PDL and in both cases I would have my "horse".
If the candidate was the league would see very well Manes Bernardini, current regional councilor, author of important battles and consistent with the approach not only ideal but also the League of the Centre Right.
One for all: no the mosque.
If the candidate was the PDL why not try again with Anna Maria Bernini ?
Despite the serious concerns I had about her ( candidate at the time to "share" Fini which has been able to unmark when he has overflowed with antiberlusconismo up an alliance with the left ) has shown, with the His campaign of 2010, to have the dialectical and political skills worthily to represent the center-right.
Bernardini or Bernini or anyone else, as long as distinctly belonging to the center-right parties that are present with their symbol. The same is true in
districts where the electoral system will require to hold their noses and make alliances with civic and electoral strongest candidates among which the centrists and even finioti , dividing the presidencies likely would come with lists unit ( Santo Stefano, Zaragoza, Porto ) and could see a equitable sharing of one (Santo Stefano, of course) for the Centre Right, one for the supporters of Aldridge and one for the supporters of Corticelli.
Personally, then, I hope the Centre Right to know the full accessions, encompassing, in the eventual second round but not for the districts, even the radical right who believe in Bologna will once again be represented by Forza Nuova, which probably, whatever happens, I will voting in the first round. Log



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